Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Panic and Anxiety Disorder - Are You Suffering Silently?

It seems that many people nowadays suffer from certain disorders. One of the most common is the panic and anxiety disorder. To better understand what this disorder all about, you must know its definition and other related information.

This disorder is often related to panic disorder agoraphobia, phobias panic disorders, panic attacks anxiety disorder, panic disorder (OCD), and generalized anxiety disorder. Panic disorder is not a severe health condition, but you must seek the help of a professional immediately when you experience symptoms because it can have drastic effects in your life in the long run.

You also need to be aware of the physical symptoms related to panic anxiety disorder like chest pain and shortness of breath. The symptoms can be physical and psychological. Did you know that it's possible to lose your mind if you don't give proper attention to your condition?

By talking to a professional, you will know how to deal with your condition effectively. You will need to discuss your medical history and other related information with your doctor. It's vital to identify what triggers the disorder so that you can avoid them. Certain treatments can also be given to patients especially those who are having severe attacks.

With so many people suffering from panic and anxiety disorder, experts have already experimented on alternative ways to treat the disorder. If you try to surf the internet, you can find a plethora of information on how to treat the disorder through homeopathy and the holistic approach. Well, it's up to you whether you will settle with conventional treatments or you will opt for the alternative ones.

If you want to control your mind and emotions, you will need to receive specific treatments. At times, the panic and anxiety attacks are mistaken for life threatening illnesses like heart attacks. Hospitals also claim that 25% of patients who are brought to the emergency rooms due to chest pain are not actually heart attacks, but are simply experiencing panic. To rule out other possible illnesses, you will need to undergo extensive tests to confirm if you have the disorder.

Panic and anxiety disorder can be managed, but you will also play an important role. Even if your doctor tells you that it's nothing serious, you're the only one who can control the disorder. You must be willing to cooperate with the doctor and if you need to take medications, take them religiously. Avoid the triggers to effectively manage your condition.

For further information on panic attacks and causes please visit:

Nischal Damieon